Announcement of the Rural Transit Solutions Fund


The Township of Bonnechere Valley is pleased to announce the successful joint application with the Townships of Whitewater Region and North Algona Wilberforce for funding through the Rural Transit Solutions Fund (RTSF). This collaborative effort has secured funding for the purchase of three (3) zero-emission vehicles and six (6) charging stations, aimed at enhancing on-demand transportation services for our communities.

Recognizing the pressing need to improve transit options in rural and remote areas of Renfrew County, the municipality of Bonnechere Valley initiated this partnership to seek funding through Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada’s RTSF program. The zero-emission vehicles will be accessible to the public through a ride-share program, offering an alternative to individuals without regular access to private vehicles or those who occasionally require an additional vehicle, thereby alleviating the financial burden associated with owning multiple vehicles.

We are pleased to report that the project has received federal funding amounting to 80% of the total project cost, of up to $387,302. The Townships extend sincere appreciation to the federal government for approving this crucial initiative. Additionally, we commend the Township of Bonnechere Valley for its leadership in spearheading this project, which promises significant long-term benefits for our residents, particularly in addressing transportation challenges faced by many residents in all of our communities.

This collaborative endeavor marks a milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance community mobility and accessibility, and we eagerly anticipate the positive impacts it will bring to our region.

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, stated "Public transportation is key to making people’s lives easier, while combatting the impacts of climate change. We are proud to support this project that will help people in Bonnechere Valley, Whitewater Region, and North Algona Wilberforce get around their communities easily and conveniently."

Jennifer Murphy, Mayor of Bonnechere Valley, added, “This pilot project will enrich people’s lives by providing better access to the services they need. It will offer a low-cost transit option to access work, health care, training and education opportunities. It will also provide access to EV charging stations for our residents and visitors.”