Services For Business

Business Services

Being in Business requires alot of research and networking.  The following list of resources will guide you through programs and services available to help expand or build your business.  We encourage you to browse the websites below.

Business and Investment Opportunities

Business Development Bank of Canada

The Business Development Bank of Canda (BDC) is a financial institution owned by the government of Canada.  BCD plays a leadership role in delivering financial, investment and consulting services to Canadian small businesses, with a particular focus on the technology and export sectors of the economy.

The BDC has an entrepreneurs toolkit which has business tools to help you successfully manage, grow and promote your business.

Canada Business Network Government Services for Entrepreneurs

Canada Business Network's goal is to provide your business with the resources it needs to grow and prosper, including a wide range of information on government services, programs and regulations.  The Canada Business Network promotes entrepreneurship and innovation, and provides assistance through an organized network of service centres across Canada.  There is a centre in each provinice and territory working with partners in many communities across their region, providing you with numerous service access points.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Be part of Canada's most activated business network, working together to create the conditions for collective success.

Ontario Chamber of Commerce

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce is Ontario's largest, most inclusive and credible business network.

Renfrew & Area Chamber of Commerce

The Renfrew & Area Chamber of Commerce is a member organization delivering value to the business community with a focus on advocacy, education and networking.

Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce is to support business, the economy and the community.

Canada Revenue Agency

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories.

Canada Small Business Financing

The Canada Small Business Financing Program makes it easier for small businesses to get loans from financial institutions by sharing the risk with lenders.

Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium

The Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) is a unique not-for-profit consortium of manufactures, incorporated to faciliate each member's development, both individually and collectively, towards improving their competitiveness as a strong community infrastructure of world-class business.

Enterprise Renfrew County

Enterprise Renfrew County's mandate is to encourage and contribute to the entreprising spirit and economic development of the County by assisting entrepreneurs with the development of new or existing companies.

Labour Market Group Renfrew & Lanark

To work collaboratively with community partners on the creation of innovative workforce development solutions that meet local labour market needs.

Ontario Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Rural Affairs

Here you will find information on Ontario's agri-food industry and rural communities and the services and programs OMAFRA provides.

Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

Helping to grow the economy and create good jobs.Find the resources you need to do business, work and invest in Ontario.

Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation

Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation is a provincially incorporated non-profit organization what is governed by a local volunteer Board of Directors.  We have been helping small business in the Renfrew County area since 1986.  Their approach is simple.  They look for local solutions that fit the challenges of the local economy.

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada is the national statistical office.  They agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada's economy, society and evironment that they require to function effectively as citizens and decision makers.

Startup Canada

Helps every entrepreneur by connecting lcoal ecosystems from coast to coast to coast, empowering women to catayze change, supporting exporters with global goas, and bridging the gap between entrepreneurs and the Government of Canada.

Startup Ottawa Valley

Founding in 2022, as a community group of Start-up Canada, Startup Ottawa Valley is the passionate advocate and voice for the entrepeurial movement in the Ottawa Valley.  We exist to inspire and welcome people into the community by facilitating the meeting and inclusion of diverse people, ideas, and skills.