Water & Sewage Department

The Township of Bonnechere Valley owns and operates the Water and Sewage Systems serving approximately 550 residential and non-residential customers in the Village of Eganville.

The Water and Sewage Department is responsible for the overall management, operation and maintenance of the systems.

Daryl Verch, Manager
Phone: 613-628-3101 ext 2800


Municipal Drinking Water Licence & Works Permit:

The Township of Bonnechere Valley has a Municipal Drinking Water Licence and Drinking Water Works Permit for the Eganville Drinking Water System.

Raw Water Supply: The source water for the Eganville Drinking Water System is the Bonnechere River, which originates in Algonquin Park and flows to the Ottawa River.

Treatment Process: The raw water from the Bonnechere River is processed using a conventional type treatment plant with chemical coagulation, flocculation, clarification and filtration. Disinfection is achieved by the introduction of sodium hypochlorite which maintains free chlorine residual in the treated water.

Distribution System: Treated water is pumped into the distribution system which consists of approximately 13 km of underground piping and the Bruce Street standpipe for pressure equalization and supply when the pumps are cycled off.

Water Quality Monitoring: An extensive monitoring program is in place for both the treatment process and distribution system. All current Provincial requirements are being met for process monitoring and water quality.

Quality Management System: The Township of Bonnechere Valley maintains a Quality Management System (QMS) for the Eganville Drinking Water System in conformance with "Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard" (DWQMS).

Compliance Reporting: An Eganville Drinking Water System Summary Report is prepared and submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on an annual basis.


The Township of Bonnechere Valley has an Asset Management Plan for the Water and Sewage Infrastructure in the Village of Eganville.  This Plan is structured as a living document which allows for ongoing updates and inclusion of new information.

Asset Management Reports can be found on our website under the tab "Council", select the tab "Strategic Planning - Asset Management" 


A six-year Financial Plan has been developed for the Eganville Water and Sewage Systems in accordance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The Financial Plan is considered a “living document” and is reviewed and updated annually as part of the Township’s budgeting process.

Eganville Water and Sewage Financial Plan (2021-2027)

Water and Sewage System usage rates are established annually by by-law to produce sufficient revenue to meet the estimated budget required for operation, maintenance and renewal of the water and sewage systems.

Water and Sewage System Rates and Charges (By-Law 2025-003)


Approvals:  Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks

Municipal Sewage Collection Environmental Compliance Approval:

The Eganville Sewage Collection System consists of works for the collection and transmission of sewage, consisting of approximately 11 km of separate sewers, ranging in diameter from 200mm to 400mm and four sub-area pumping stations, all discharging into the Eganville Sewage Treatment Plant.

Municipal Sewage Works Certificate of Approval

Sewage Treatment Plant: The collection sewage is processed in an extended aeration treatment system with the effluent being chlorinated and then de-chlorinated before it is discharged into the Bonnechere River.  The aerated digested sludge is dewatered utilizing Geotude technology and the resultant biosolids are transported to landfill to be used as a soil amendment for final cover.

Sewage Quality Monitoring: An extensive monitoring program is in place for the sewage treatment process, effluent discharge and sludge dewatering.  All current Provincial and Federal requirements are being met for process monitoring, sewage effluent discharge and biosolids quality.

Compliance Reporting: Performance Reports are prepared for both the sewage collection system and the sewage treatment plant which are then submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks on an annual basis.


Establish Policy and Enact Rules and Regulations for the Administration, Use, Operation and Maintenance of the Water and Sewage System