CAO/Clerk Annette Gilchrist |
613-628-3101 ext 222 |
Treasurer/Deputy CAO Sandra Barr |
613-628-3101 ext 225 |
Public Works Administrative Assistant Dana Barkley |
613-628-3101 ext 2855 |
Accounting Clerk Connie Brown |
613-628-3101 ext 223 |
Planning-Zoning & Licensing Erica Rice |
613-628-3101 ext 226 |
Community Development & Administration Assistant Sarah Richer |
613-628-3101 ext 224 |
Please click on any name to email directly to them:
To contact via phone or mail:
Township of Bonnechere Valley
49 Bonnechere Street, P.O. Box 100
Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
Phone: 613.628.3101 Toll Free: 1.888.628.3101
Fax: 613.628.1336
The Township of Bonnechere Valley’s Animal Control By-law 2005-36 regulates the ownership and activity of dogs in the Municipality. Please take time to review the By-laws as well as the Provincial legislation that regulates your dog.
For matters pertaining to other dog related issues please contact Municipal Law Enforcement Services, or 613.281.3773
Animal Control Services are for domestic animals only. Your dog is not to trespass even when on a leash!
Dog Licences - Lifetime Dog Tag Licenses
The Township of Bonnechere Valley has changed to a lifetime dog tag license fee for $30. The fee to replace a missing dog tag license is $12.
The Township of Bonnechere Valley requires all dogs within the municipality to be licensed and to wear tags. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100 plus the purchase price of the tag.
The Township of Bonnechere Valley does not have a By-law for the activity of cats
For nuisance bears, call BEARWISE at 1-866-514-2327. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1.
To contact the CBO: Darryl Wagner
Call: 613.628.3101 ext. 242
* Please note: The approximate turn around time on any application is around 2 weeks from the date in which the completed application form was submitted.
For matters pertaining to By-Laws and By-Law Enforcement issues please contact Municipal Law Enforcement Services, or 613.281.3773
“Emergency preparedness is everyone’s responsibility. Prepare your emergency survival kit today for a safer tomorrow.”
Knowing the risks and developing practical plans can help reduce fear and aid in recovery from an emergency situation. Ensuring business continuity, protecting information and updating emergency plans are all crucial in assuring community preparedness.
The Township of Bonnechere Valley has developed a plan to outline the probable course of action to be followed in the first few critical hours of an emergency. It also provides guidance for municipal officers and department heads that will be expected to make plans for and fulfill specific responsibilities in an emergency.
In an increasingly complex and technological society, emergencies of a man-made nature are on the increase and add to the natural hazards that man has always faced. Since initial response to such emergencies is usually from municipal resources, it is critical that the Township of Bonnechere Valley have a plan prepared for the coordination of essential services to meet the stress of an emergency in the most efficient way, especially at the onset when the health and safety of the population is at the greatest risk.
For this plan to be effective, it is essential that all concerned be made aware of and familiar with their assigned emergency functions. This will be accomplished by annual reviews of responsibilities, procedures and exercises to test the effectiveness of the emergency plan.
Under authority of the Emergency Management Act, and by enactment of Bonnechere Valley Township By-Law # 2004-45 this plan will govern the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the manner in which employees of the municipality and other persons will respond in an emergency.
Fire can have devastating impacts on everyone. Fire can happen to you.
The Bonnechere Valley Fire Department is committed to protecting life, property and the environment through public education, fire code enforcement and emergency response.
With your assistance we can all help to keep families and property safe from fire.
Our web pages provide an introduction to the fire prevention, the Ontario Fire Code, by-laws, and emergency services provided by the fire department.
The eligibility of your organization will be determined by the licencing office. The licencing authority will review all relevant documentation to determine eligibility. These decisions are based on what is considered charitable in law according to the Criminal Code of Canada.
Your organization may qualify for a lottery licence if it provides a charitable service to Ontario residents under one of these categories:
The following pre-requisites are mandatory to be considered eligible for a lottery licence.
Lottery licencing refers to lottery schemes permitted by the licence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Typically, these may include Bingos, Raffles, Break Open Tickets and social gaming events held by charitable or religious organizations. Licenced Charitable or Religious Organizations must conduct and manage their events in accordance with licencing policies and the terms and conditions of the licences and fulfill all prescribed reporting requirements. It is illegal to print tickets, promote or conduct a charitable gaming event without a licence.
For more information to go to the AGCO WEBSITE and read all the policies and procedures for lotteries.
For information on lotteries please contact Erica Rice at 613.628.3101 ext 226 or
The Township of Bonnechere Valley serves the public directly by issuing Marriage Licences. There are certain stipulations and requirements for marriages in Ontario and for the issuance of a Marriage licence in The Township of Bonnechere Valley. Please review these requirements carefully (see applicable downloads and supporting documentation below).
Please be advised that in order to apply for a Marriage Licence both individuals must present their Birth Certificates and Government issued Photo Identifications.
Please be advised that the expected time frame from dropping off the Marriage Licence Application to receiving the completed Marriage Licence is 2 business days. Please find at the top of this page a Marriage Licence Application Form and information you need to know before you get married.
The fee for a marriage licence is $150 for a resident of Bonnechere Valley and $200 for others. If you have questions concerning how to obtain a Marriage Licence please contact Erica Rice at 613.628.3101 ext 226 or via email at
The Roads Department Office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Monday to Friday)Phone: 613-628-3101 ext 2855 County of Renfrew's Transportation Master Plan |
The Township of Bonnechere Valley boasts some of the best recreational facilities in Renfrew County!
We Offer:
Township of Bonnechere Valley owns and operates the Water and Sewage Systems serving approximately 550 residential and non-residential customers in the Village of Eganville.
The Water and Sewage Department is responsible for the overall management, operation and maintenance of the systems.
Daryl Verch, Manager
Phone: 613-628-3101 ext 2800