Council & Staff

Township of Bonnechere Valley Operational Review

In June 2020, Municipal Government Wayfinders Ltd., was retained by the Township of Bonnechere Valley to complete an Operational Review (OR).  Their team reviewed background documents, including plans, policies, by-laws, census data, FIRs, OMPF data and other pertinent information.

In June, due to physical distancing requirements caused by COVID-19, the team conducted video-conference interviews with members of Council, permanent staff and local stakeholders.  Later with proper distancing practices, a member of their team visited municipal facilities and toured the Township to help ground-truth the environment.

Additional local stakeholders and the Library CEO and Chair were also interviewed by one of their team members.  Several follow up telephone interviews were conducted with the CAO, members of the management team and others.  The team also conducted interviews with the Township's Auditor and IT Consultant.  A short online survey was posted from June 26th through July 31st to help gauge public sentiment at a high-level.

The document reviews, comprehensive interviews, online survey results and physical ground-truthing have helped to inform their recommendations.



Committee & Council welcomes the opportunity to hear from citizens and community groups. If you wish to address Committee & Council as a whole, you are welcome to attend a Committee or Council meeting as a delegation.


Please complete the delegation request form. Deputations to Committee/Council are generally received at the Committee/Council meetings held on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesday of each month.  Confirmation of the meeting date will be provided by the Administration Department.

Please note, your request and any additional information you would like Committee/Council to have may be attached to the agenda and circulated publicly, unless otherwise requested. It is recommended that when a delegation requests to attend a Committee/Council meeting that they provide to Committee/Council a copy of their presentation and/or copies of materials they wish to speak about. These documents must be provided to CAO within 48 hours before the meeting.


Council meetings are held the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesday of the month. Committee/Council meetings are formal meetings, covered by the media and open to the public.

All meetings are held in the Council Chambers, located in the Municipal Office (49 Bonnechere Street East).

Confirmation of the meeting date will be provided by the Administration Department.


Maximum time permitted is fifteen (15) minutes for Committee or ten (10) minutes for Council but may be extended depending on the nature of the delegation;  You may want to have speaking notes to ensure that you are able to effectively utilize your time;

  • You may speak only to the matter in which permission has been granted to be addressed;
  • Start by thanking the Mayor and Council;
  • Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of your deputation;
  • If you represent a group, explain a little bit about the group and their mandate;
  • Be sure to present your information through the Mayor;
  • Be prepared for questions at the end of your deputation as Members of Council may seek additional information or clarification on what you have presented;
  • Be respectful of everyone in attendance including Committee/Council, the public and staff.  Do not use offensive words or disobey the rules of procedure or the decision of Committee/Council.
  • If your concerns relate to an individual, please contact the CAO to discuss your options.


Information provided to the CAO will be circulated to the members of Committee/Council prior to the meeting and included as part of the agenda package. If you will be bringing information to the meeting, 7 copies should be made if you want each Councillor and staff to have a copy of the information (additionally copies should be made for the press/public). If it is a larger document, you can leave it with the Mayor or CAO and it will be circulated to others.


You may appear once before Committee/Council on any given issue. If there is significant new information or lapse of time, exceptions may be permitted.


If you are requesting action of Committee/Council, the issue will be considered at that or an sequential Council meeting.

Please contact the CAO ( / 613-628-3101 ext. 222)  for further information – we look forward to hearing from you. 

Integrity Commissioner

The Municipal Act permits Council to appoint an Integrity Commissioner who performs specified functions regarding the application of the Code of Conduct which applies to all members of Council and members appointed to Boards and Committees to promote accountability and transparency in municipal governance.

Municipal Staff Contacts

Main Office CAO/Clerk Annette Gilchrist 613-628-3101 ext 222 Treasurer/Deputy CAO Sandra Barr 613-628-3101 ext...

Strategic Planning & Asset Management Plan

This document contains proceedings from a strategy session held on December 6, 2023.   The purpose of the session was to develop the major elements of a strategic plan for the next four years.   The group began by defining a desired future state.  Then the group conducted a current state analysis by identifying opportunities, risks, and trends.  Based on this, five priorities were agreed upon.   Objectives were created for each priority.